Sustain Ability - 09/08/2005
Art Tracking : Module 002

Sustain Ability deals with the artists' struggle in society. Ade Lun Sec and Peter I. Robinson define this as a balance between financial health, civic duty and being true to your artistic ideals. The following projects explore questions along this continuum.

Art Tracking: Module 002, Green Machine, SilouetteTree, Art in the Age of Botanical Deconstruction, Snow Falls on the Remote, Art Racquet, Live Painting

Below is a representation of the first piece in the show, for the following pieces please refer to the menu above.

"In a seminal episode of dangling potential, Ade lun sec and Peter I. Robinson paint a painting, imbed it with a global positioning device, leave it leaning against a tree in Dolores Park, allow it to be abducted, and then monitor its subsequent geographical adventures on Google Earth, mapped out and projected onto the gallery wall for all to see." -Alan Bamburger,

A critical overview of the show can be found here. Scroll 3/4 down the page.


Trimtrac GPS Device Developed by Trimble Technologies. Purchased from Pinpoint GPS -Thank you Carol.

Installation & Assembly wrapped in plastic

Securing mount

Finishing Touches on panel 1 / 4

Installing frame onto door



9.4 Drop-off point - Dolores Park

Observe behavior in wild

We're watching, they're looking, she's listening

Map of drop-off point. It was picked up later that evening. Get the raw data here. Open with Google Earth.

The entire movement in the 3 days leading up to the show. Each point represents pings from the device at predetermined intervals. The device has been at rest since 9.12 (this is where our questions begin.)

It's final resting place, a lumber yard. Ironically, the signal is coming from the lumberyard's door section.

We scoped out the perimeter the device was reporting from. Signal scatters when in large buildings.

Posting notifications on walls, and poles within 1 square block.

Interviewing people at the lumberyard, Muni Bus Depot, and local residents.

Site Specific Installation

Studio Photograph of Painting


Summary: Questions more important than answers . The device is still pinging. We'll be watching until its batteries fade.

